International Policy Briefing

UK Liberal Democrat International Policy Briefing
President Xi’s Next 5 Years: What should Europe's Strategy be?
Zoom, 18.30-19:30hrs (UK Time), Tuesday 8 November 2022
A webinar organised by the UK Liberal Democrat Federal International Relations Committee (FIRC) in association with Liberal International British Group and the Liberal Democrat European Group. All Liberal Democrat members are welcome.
Please register at this link:
Despite a slowing Chinese economy – World Bank forecast at 2.8% GDP growth in 2022, behind the rest of Asia - and ¼ billion of its citizens under zero-COVID restrictions and lockdowns, Mr. Xi has been anointed for an unprecedented third five-year term as supreme leader. With rising frictions with the West, his support for Putin and intimidatory moves against Taiwan, what will President Xi do next to try and cement authoritarian China as the dominant world power in an increasingly destabilised world? And what should Europe be doing about it?
18.30hrs UK time: Welcome by Lord Jeremy Purvis, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Development, House of Lords.
18.33hrs UK time: Moderator George Cunningham, Chair of the UK Liberal Democrat Federal International Relations Subcommittee on China, introduces panellists.
18.35-19.10 UK time: 5-7 minute presentations by panellists:
- Professor Kerry Brown, Renowned Sinologist. Director of the Lau China Institute at King's College, London, author of several books on Chinese politics including “Xi Jinping: A Study in Power” this year.
- Ms Vera Kranenburg, Clingendael Netherlands Institute of International Relations, focus on Chinese foreign relations, European China policy and the role of technology in geopolitics.
- Mr Reinhard Butikofer MEP, Chair of European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the People's Republic of China; Member, EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and EP Delegation for Relations with the USA.
- Ms Meia Nouwens, Senior Fellow for Chinese Defence Policy and Military Modernisation at International Institute for Strategic Studies
19.10-19.30hrs UK time: Comments and questions from participants and responses from panellists, moderated by George Cunningham.