Internal Elections

23 Dec 2022

Lib Dems Abroad women (and the occasional bloke!) succeed in Lib Dem Internal Elections.

Congratulations to :

- Caroline Padbury (incoming 2023 Chair of Lib Dems Overseas) photo top left

- George Cunningham (Lib Dems Overseas, 2023-25 FIRC & ALDE) photo bottom right

- Hannah Bettsworth (Lib Dems in Europe, 2023-25 FIRC & ALDE) photo bottom left

- Merlene Emerson (Lib Dems Overseas, 2023-25 ALDE) photo top right

George Cunningham has already laid out his plan for the Federal International Relations Committee:

1. Europe back at centre stage;

2. Fully mobilise Lib Dems Abroad potential;

3. More impact at European and international level;

4. More focus on regional and local parties. 

A job and a half for the new Federal International Relations Committee